Sunday 11 December 2011


Everyone knows that kids hate going to bed. That they'll think of every last possible excuse:

I need a wee wee / poo poo / drink / the light's not on enough / the light's too bright / I haven't got my covers on / I'm cold / Ive lost my noo noo/big bear/Richard bear...

So you go up and down like a bleedin' yo yo

No you do NOT need a wee wee you've only just had one

There's a glass of water by your bed

Right, if you don't settle down I'll shut the door

Right, THAT'S IT, if you don't settle down I'll shut the door AND the gate.

Until finally, all is quiet.

Only, when you go up to bed later,  he's gone back to bed alright, and he's fast asleep...

...having closed his own door and shut the gate himself.

Sunshine Duke 1
Mummy 0

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